Daily Asia Gaming eBrief: APE: SE Asia market in play as Macau booms


Good Morning: There’s a primate pun here somewhere. But not in APE’s strategy towards its Macau and Asian expansion, as it eyes new markets, while leveraging its base operation, including non-gaming offerings it explored due to the pandemic. Meanwhile, concerts are seen as a new draw for punters in Macau, increasing premium mass spend this month. In regards to mass, expectations are for a recovery of up to 90 percent of pre-pandemic levels, as VIP plateaus.

What you need to know

  • Asia Pioneer Entertainment (APE) to leverage SE Asia’s growing market, economies and market potential to drive future growth: CEO.
  • Macau’s weekend concerts boosted the industry, with a 37 percent surge in average wager per player in the premium mass segment.
  • Mass market GGR in Macau could recover to 85-90 percent of 2019 levels this year: analysts from S&P Global Ratings.

On the radar

AGB Intelligence


APE, Asia Pioneer Entertainment, Macau

APE eyes SE Asian expansion as it corners Macau

Asia Pioneer Entertainment is not resting on its laurels, as it aims to leverage Macau’s ongoing growth even as it keeps its eye on the potential within Southeast Asia. The company is “embarking on an expansion plan” which could make it a major player within the region, expanding its team and embracing new opportunities.

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