Well isn’t this perfect timing! I have just recently completed my first international trip of 2022, to the Philippines.
Let’s forget about business for the moment and talk about the people element of my visit.
Firstly, the strength of all of the staff in each venue, from floor attendants to senior executives, after such an extended lockdown and government regime change.
Secondly, the industry itself, how we banded together as much as possible, to help each other survive, should remind us all, how resilient our industry can be.
And last but certainly not least,the people of the Philippines. Who always give a hello, smile and a welcome back. It was like a big warm hug and one I really missed.
From a Paltronics point of view, although COVID presented many extreme challenges, the positive out of the situation was it gave us some much-needed huddle time, particularly engineering and management, to focus on improving and expanding our product range.
You will see, moving forward, some great new products from Paltronics directly and from our product partners. Not to mention taking our Jackpot offerings to the next level………. Watch this space.
I am glad to report on this trip the feedback from all operators, on the direction and offering PAL is now providing, was extremely positive and I am looking forward to sharing this with all other operators in Australasia.
It was reassuring to learn about how the Philippines market is gaining so much momentum and I have no doubt that gaming in the region is going from strength to strength and PAL is looking forward to being a part of the recovery and continued growth of the industry as a whole.
I think the upcoming AGB ASEAN Conference, in Manila, is a great opportunity for the industry to come together and discuss the road to recovery and some much-needed face-to-face love.