Your Daily Asia Gaming eBrief: Macau operators non-gaming plans fail expectations

Macau, cotai-strip, Gaming revenue, Macau GGR, gaming operators

Good Morning. Macau’s diversification plans have suffered yet another delay, as a source says that the plans submitted by the gaming hub’s concessionaires have failed to meet their expectations. The gov’t is now planning a back-and-forth to iron out their requirements, delaying the release of the govt’s own plan until September. And in the online world, experts are aiming to draw the younger generation into iGaming through NFTs, saying they help create a sense of community and have lasting value.

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Macau, Cotai strip

Gaming operators’ diversification plans coming up short: source

Macau authorities have decided to postpone the launch of the city’s adjusted economic diversification plan to September, with a source telling AGB the delay was caused by gaming operators failing to meet diversification requirements in their proposals. The government is now in talks with the concessionaires to upgrade their plans before it formulates its own overarching strategy for the city.

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