Victorian gambling watchdog charges Tower Hotel operator for failure to set EGMs with time and spend controls

Tower Hotel, Australia

The Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC) has charged Rumotel Pty Ltd, the operator of the Tower Hotel in Hawthorn East, for breaches of gaming regulations.

According to a VGCCC announcement, 34 charges have been laid for alleged failures by the Tower Hotel to have the mandatory pre-commitment technology – YourPlay – functioning on its electronic gaming machines and on the related YourPlay kiosk.

YourPlay is a pre-commitment scheme that allows players to set time and spend limits to stay in control of their play. While using YourPlay is optional for players, it is mandatory for venues to have it installed and available on all electronic gaming machines.

Another charge has been laid for an alleged failure by the Tower Hotel to ensure staff had completed compulsory training.

‘Any venue operator that fails to provide players with the ability to set time and spend limits through the YourPlay system is in breach of a key legal obligation aimed at protecting the community from gambling harm,’ VGCCC CEO, Annette Kimmitt, said in an announcement.

‘We are actively monitoring venue compliance with the requirement to have YourPlay available on all electronic gaming machines and will pursue those that opportunistically or deliberately contravene their obligations’.

Last month Australia’s largest EGM operator, Australian Leisure and Hospitality Group, was hit with a $352,000 fine for operating 220 gaming machines without pre-commitment technology.