Galaxy Entertainment said it recently joined forces with the Unitary Police Service, the Public Security Police Force, the Social Welfare Bureau and the Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau to boost emergency awareness.
This is the third consecutive year that GEG has co-organized the talk with the related government departments. Focused on helping participants get better prepared for Macau’s typhoon and rainy season, the talk provided the participants with important disaster preparedness information related to typhoons and other emergency situations. In addition, GEG also distributed pamphlets with typhoon evacuation plans and shelter information to team members at its back-of-house areas to help promote emergency preparedness.
During the talk, the speakers provided participants with precautionary and safety tips for disaster prevention during storm surge, which included the Civil Protection Law, evacuation plans and routes, as well as information regarding the location, facilities and supplies of Macau’s various emergency shelters so that the participants know how to respond promptly to typhoon emergencies. In addition, GEG extended its care to the elderlies by arranging its volunteers to help explain and recap the information that was delivered as well as to distribute “Family Care” kits that consist of various necessities to them.