Your Daily Asia Gaming eBrief: AUSTRAC takes SkyCity Adelaide to Federal Court

SkyCity Auckland, SkyCity Entertainment Group, New Zealand

Good morning. Australian gaming companies continue to face the music, with SkyCity Adelaide leveled with charges by the country’s financial crimes watchdog (AUSTRAC) over ‘serious and systemic’ breaches of anti-money laundering legislation. In Macau, things are finally looking up, with authorities reversing their zero-COVID stance and saying the city cannot “continue shut”, as it aims for a gradual opening, despite authorities warning they will “not allow a large-scale outbreak”.

asia gaming ebrief

What you need to know

  • AUSTRAC takes SkyCity Adelaide to Federal Court over ‘serious and systemic’ breaches of anti-money laundering legislation.
  • Macau is finally turning the page, deciding to undergo a ‘gradual opening up’ as it realizes it’s “impossible to continue shut” to the world due to COVID.

On the radar

AGB Intelligence


Austrac, Skycity Adelaide

AUSTRAC takes SkyCity Adelaide to court over AML breaches

Australia’s financial crimes watchdog is not backing down, as it now takes SkyCity Adelaide to court over alleged breaches of anti-money laundering laws, claiming ‘serious and systemic’ failures. The total fines and punishments are yet to be revealed, but AUSTRAC again put the industry on notice, noting the continual actions against gaming operators are to ‘serve as a warning to casinos’.

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