DevilFish Poker, the pioneering creator of the free-to-play social community poker game, proudly announces its strategic partnership with EvenBet Gaming to develop cutting-edge social poker software.
The DevilFish Social Poker brand has witnessed remarkable growth over the past two quarters of 2024, fuelled by the resurgence of social-based Web3 poker on a global scale. Current industry statistics indicate that the social free-to-play market is valued at $8 billion and is projected to expand by over 8% annually. The alliance with EvenBet Gaming, a leader in poker software innovation, positions the DevilFish brand to accelerate their reach across multiple international markets.
JJ Williams, Co-Founder of W3 Marketing Ltd and Devilfish Poker, confidently stated, “The growth of social poker and free-to-play models has been undeniable in recent years. We are witnessing a revitalization of interest in poker from a diverse range of digital natives eager to engage in community gameplay and the latest Web3 innovations—such as avatars, skins, traits, NFTs (non-fungible tokens), and digital ownership.”
“Our brand is uniquely positioned, enriched by its legacy in the online poker scene and its association with the late David A. ‘Devilfish’ Ulliott, a member of the WSOP Poker Hall of Fame. Our highly engaged community represents the next generation of social poker players and followers across social media and community platforms like Discord, X and Mastodon.”
“Selecting EvenBet Gaming as a strategic partner was a critical and confident choice; they possess a deep understanding of the synergy between traditional poker, social poker, and Web3/Crypto features, allowing us to deliver unique, innovative digital products for our poker brand throughout 2025.”Â
Dmitry Starostenkov, CEO of EvenBet Gaming, expressed, “DevilFish embodies a powerful brand narrative within traditional online poker, and we are inspired by how the team is reimagining this digital-first/Web3 product experience.”
“From the ground up, JJ and his team have successfully built an engaged community and revitalized the gaming franchise for today’s digital players—those who have evolved with social media, crypto, gamification, and digital asset ownership. Our vision, like DevilFish is global, and my mission is to expand our poker software innovation and platform, and support JJ and his team execute their global plans, for category dominance.”