Tuesday, September 10, 2024
HomeNewsJapanRules on contacts between Japan officials and operators seen as ambiguous

Rules on contacts between Japan officials and operators seen as ambiguous

In the wake of the 500 com bribery case, the Suga government has been proposing new rules for contacts between Japanese government officials and IR operators. However, these regulations are being criticized for being ambiguous in certain key areas.

政府のIRルール「曖昧」 公務員と事業者接触 議員対象外、疑問の声 (Mainichi Shinbun)

Felix Ng
Felix Nghttps://agbrief.com/about-asia-gaming-brief/
Felix is the Asia Editor and Events Director of the Asia Gaming Brief. He has over a decade of experience developing conferences for industries including gaming, telecoms, investment, biotechnology, and mining. Felix covers gaming technology and innovation and is passionate about developing engaging and eye-catching content for the industry.



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