Thursday, July 4, 2024
HomeNewsIndonesiaIndonesia on Philippines and Cambodia to shut down online gambling via NAPs

Indonesia on Philippines and Cambodia to shut down online gambling via NAPs

Indonesia is now mandating that network access point (NAP) service providers cut access to the internet lines that are based in the Philippines and Cambodia and are allegedly being used for online gambling within the nation.

This follows multiple moves by other regional jurisdictions to go after illegal online gaming in their country by focusing on the internet service providers, instead of clamping down on the platforms themselves.

According to Antara News, the nation’s Communications and Informatics Miniter, Budi Arie Setiadi, noted the move was part of “all viable measures for eradicating online gambling”.

The move was put into effect via an official Minister’s Letter issued on June 21st to the NAP Service Providers.

These providers have been given three days to comply with the instruction after acknowledging receipt of the letter.  

The minister highlighted in particular internet lines suspected of being used in Davao, the Philippines, and Cambodia.

The Ministry further notes that it has already removed nearly 3 million pieces of online gambling content from mid-July of 2023 to mid-June of this year.

Aside from the NAP mandate, the group has also requested the blocking of e-wallets under Bank Indonesia, totaling 555 and the freezing of nearly 5,800 bank accounts via the Financial Services Authority.

Online and offline gambling is illegal in Indonesia, with participants and organizers subject to a prison sentence of up to 10 years and a $1,500 fine.

According to reports from the nation’s Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center, online gambling activity in 1Q24 in the nation amounted to a transactional value of about $36.4 billion, while those involved in online gambling totaled some 3.2 million.

The January-May period of 2024 saw 14,000 online transactions, reports Xinhua.

Kelsey Wilhelm
Kelsey Wilhelm
Kelsey Wilhelm is a broadcast, print journalist and editor based in Asia for over 15 years. Focused on content creation, management, cross-cultural exchange and interviews for multi-lingual productions. Writing focus on gaming, business, politics, culture and heritage, events and celebrities, subcultures, music, film, art and fashion. Some of Kelsey's specialties are: editing, writing, copy creation, multi-lingual content production, cross-cultural exchange, content creation and management for Asian markets.



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