Monday, September 9, 2024
HomeNewsJapanMoe Murakami to lead Oshidori’s CSR efforts in Nagasaki

Moe Murakami to lead Oshidori’s CSR efforts in Nagasaki

Oshidori International Development has announced the appointment of Moe Murakami to lead its local CSR efforts as the firm aims to win its bid to become Nagasaki’s IR partner against two rival bids.

Oshidori International Development、地域課題の解決に貢献できるIRの実現を目指し、執行役員CSR担当に村上萌が就任 (release)

Felix Ng
Felix Ng
Felix is the Asia Editor and Events Director of the Asia Gaming Brief. He has over a decade of experience developing conferences for industries including gaming, telecoms, investment, biotechnology, and mining. Felix covers gaming technology and innovation and is passionate about developing engaging and eye-catching content for the industry.



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