Wednesday, September 11, 2024
HomeNewsJapanFormer 500 com vice-president only “interpreter” in bribery scheme

Former 500 com vice-president only “interpreter” in bribery scheme

Zheng Xi, who says he was acting under the title of 500 com vice-president, admitted guilt in the bribery case to the Tokyo District Court, but sought a lighter sentence on the claim that he was not one of the authors of the scheme to bribe Japanese politicians, but simply acted as an interpreter.

IR汚職 贈賄側の中国企業元副社長「私は通訳」 東京地裁 (Mainichi Shinbun)

Felix Ng
Felix Ng
Felix is the Asia Editor and Events Director of the Asia Gaming Brief. He has over a decade of experience developing conferences for industries including gaming, telecoms, investment, biotechnology, and mining. Felix covers gaming technology and innovation and is passionate about developing engaging and eye-catching content for the industry.



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