Wednesday, September 11, 2024
HomeNewsJapanJunko Mihara floated as possible alternative pro-IR Yokohama mayor

Junko Mihara floated as possible alternative pro-IR Yokohama mayor

A report in the Japanese media suggests that pro-IR forces in Yokohama, led by Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga (who represents a district within the city), are mulling a plan to ask Fumiko Hayashi not to run for reelection as mayor and instead put pro-IR hopes in the hands of Junko Mihara, a former actress and now a national conservative politician.

横浜市長選、三原じゅん子氏が出馬か…菅首相、地元・横浜に経済損失のカジノ誘致ゴリ押し (Business Journal)

Felix Ng
Felix Ng
Felix is the Asia Editor and Events Director of the Asia Gaming Brief. He has over a decade of experience developing conferences for industries including gaming, telecoms, investment, biotechnology, and mining. Felix covers gaming technology and innovation and is passionate about developing engaging and eye-catching content for the industry.



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