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Daily Asia Gaming eBrief: Smart tables boost Macau’s role as #1 market
Gaming veteran Graeme Croft says that Macau will continue to be the number one gaming market, even as the Philippines rises and Singapore continues to perform well. The introduction of smart tables, with MGM leading the way, adds huge value, due to data processing, while operators continually have to reorganize the gaming floors to fit the changing demographics and desires.
Smart tables help Macau maintain its gaming crown
Gaming veteran Graeme Croft says that Macau will continue to be the number one gaming market, even as the Philippines rises and Singapore continues to perform well. The introduction of smart tables, with MGM leading the way, adds huge value, due to data processing, while operators continually have to reorganize the gaming floors to fit the changing demographics and desires.
Smart table rollout to level playing field among Macau operators: Seaport
The rollout of smart tables by Macau gaming operators over the next six to nine months will put concessionaires on a more even playing field and lead to both operational and marketing capability improvements, brokerage Seaport pointed out.
Smart table technology to enhance casino security, fraud prevention, and player tracking: Suppliers
The adoption of smart table technology is transforming the casino landscape, providing unprecedented benefits in security, fraud prevention, and player tracking, technology suppliers indicated.
Daily Asia Gaming eBrief: Angel Group sees strong APAC interest in smart tables
The world is buzzing about AI, and the casino industry has been quick to explore its possibilities, with both companies and players standing to benefit from the vast potential it holds.
Angel’s hybrid RFID/AI smart tables seeing keen adoption across APAC
Smart Tables are taking APAC by storm, with operators seeing operational advantages, security improvements and ease of regulatory compliance. The Angel Group has been working on the new tech for 10 years and is rolling it out to highly interested IRs from Macau to the Philippines, Singapore and Australia.
Daily Asia Gaming eBrief: Smart table tech in all major APAC markets by end-2025
Smart table technology is taking the Asia-Pacific gaming market by storm, with an expert expecting that all major markets within the region will be utilizing some form of the technology by the end of 2025.
Smart table technology set to dominate main Asia market casinos by 2025: Expert
By the end of 2025, it is expected that all major properties in Macau, the Philippines, Australia, and New Zealand will adopt some form of smart table technology, primarily for Baccarat due to its implementation ease compared to other games, gaming analytics expert David Croft told AGB.
Smart gaming tables increase workload, complain Macau casino supervisors
The implementation of smart gaming tables in Macau seems to have encountered some issues. Nearly 1,000 gaming table supervisors in Macau casinos have expressed dissatisfaction with their increasing workload, which smart tables have failed to alleviate.
Citigroup backs smart gaming tables in Macau, citing effect on boosting GGR
In assessing the long-term prospects of the Macau gaming industry, brokerage firm Citigroup highlights the significant impact of the widespread adoption of smart gaming tables on its growth.